Say Goodbye to Scalp Problems with the Best Scalp Treatment in Singapore

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Say Goodbye to Scalp Problems with the Best Scalp Treatment in Singapore


Say Goodbye to Scalp Problems with the Best Scalp Treatment in Singapore

calendar May 18, 2023

Are you experiencing frequent scalp itching, hair loss, or dandruff? You most likely have a scalp problem! These problems affect your hair's appearance and overall health and can lead to embarrassment and discomfort. Luckily, a scalp treatment in Singapore can address your scalp issues.

Sadly, you often take more care of your hair than your scalp. You only start to think of your scalp when it begs for attention, meaning when it gets irritated and itchy.

Symptoms such as irritation, itching, and flaking are present in various scalp diseases. A hair care specialist can help you determine what is causing your symptoms. Nevertheless, here are some common scalp conditions: 

  • Dandruff.  Many people have dandruff which is a buildup of flaking skin. There are several myths about its cause, but it may be due to a fungal disease. 

  • Head Lice. Head lice are tiny insects that thrive on your scalp. It can cause red bumps and severe itching on your scalp, shoulders, and neck. You can easily detect their eggs (nits) in your hair. 

  •  Eczema. Eczema is often hereditary and is common in people with some allergic conditions. Eczema causes itchy and dry skin in the scalp, neck, face, and ceases of the elbows and knees. 

  • Scalp Ringworm. Scalp ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that attacks the outer layer of your scalp. It is characterized by a rash with circular patches with red and raised edges.  It can spread through sharing of personal items (comb, brushes, towels, or clothing) or touching a person or animal with this condition. 

  • Psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that tends to be hereditary. Half of the people with psoriasis have it on their scalp. They experience itchiness and scalp lesions.  

  • Alopecia Areata.  Alopecia Areata. Alopecia Areata is also an autoimmune skin disease characterized by hair loss on the face, scalp, and other body parts.

  • Folliculitis. Bacteria, fungi, or parasites are the culprits of this inflammation of the hair follicles on the scalp and any body part. It looks similar to red pimples with a strand of hair inside. It causes a painful burning sensation, redness, or itchiness near or at one or more hair strands.

  • Seborrheic Dermatitie. Seborrheic Dermatitie is an eczema found in areas with many oil glands, like the scalp. It manifests as greasy, yellow crusts and a red rash on your scalp. 

  • Lichen Planus.  This is an uncommon autoimmune disease that causes itchiness and small patches of hair loss on the scalp. It can also cause irritation, redness, and small bumps on your scalp. 

  • Androgenetic Alopecia. Androgenetic Alopecia. Androgenetic Alopecia is a common type of hair loss condition in men and women. In men, hair loss begins above the temples and forms an M shape. In women, it entails thinning hair over the hairline and the entire head.

It is vital to address scalp problems because they can significantly impact your self-esteem and overall life. Besides, scalp problems can have long-term effects on hair growth and the overall health of your hair. It is also crucial to maintaining beautiful and healthy hair.

Ignoring your scalp problems can lead to severe scarring, scalp infections, and permanent hair loss. 

Scalp Massages and Treatments

Scalp massages and treatments are crucial in maintaining a healthy scalp and stimulating hair growth. Massages and scalp treatment Singapore come with several benefits. 

  • Fights dandruff.  You can fight dandruff by improving your scalp health. Massaging your scalp stimulates oxygen and blood circulation to the hair follicle. It also helps deliver more nutrients to the hair roots to help encourage hair growth. 

  • Increases hair thickness. You can massage your scalp and make your thinning hair thick again. 

  • Removes buildup.  Your scalp absorbs the buildup of sweat and residue of products you place on your hair. All these can lead to the clogging of your hair follicles and affect hair growth. A scalp massage can help remove all this buildup and promote hair growth. 

  • Combats hair loss.  Hair loss and scalp health go hand in hand due to oxidative stress caused by lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors (such as sun damage and pollution). A scalp massage can mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on hair loss. 

  • Lowers your level of stress. A scalp massage is relaxing. It relieves stress and stimulates better sleep. It is an excellent way to support a healthy head of hair.  

Scalp massages and scalp treatment Singapore work by removing impurities on your scalp and stimulating hair follicles to promote better hair growth. They can also help reduce itchiness, oiliness, and dandruff on your scalp. 

Laser Therapy for Scalp Problems

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment. This scalp treat Singapore uses low-level laser light to improve scalp health and stimulate hair growth. Laser therapy has many benefits to dealing with your scalp issues:

  • Improves Scalp Health. Laser therapy reduces the inflammation on your scalp and stimulates the production of new cells. It can also decrease your risk of dandruff, scalp infections, and other scalp problems. 

  • Promotes Hair Growth. Laser therapy increases oxygen and blood flow to the scalp to strengthen hair follicles and encourage hair growth.

  • Suitable for All Types of Hair. You can undergo laser therapy with straight, curly, thin, or thick hair. It is also safe for men and women of all ages.

  • Non-Invasive. Laser therapy does not require incisions or surgical procedures. A professional uses a laser device in a clinic. It is a painless and safe procedure.

  •  Cost-effective. Laser therapy is more cost-effective than other hair restoration treatments because it requires fewer treatments with long-lasting results. 

  • No Side Effects. People sensitive to treatments and medications and those with medical conditions and allergies can undergo laser therapy.

There are several types of laser therapy treatments available in Singapore to address scalp problems, including: 

  • Red Light Therapy. This treatment works to stimulate collagen production and increase blood flow to the scalp through the use of red light. It can improve scalp health and boost hair growth. 

  • Low-Level Laser Therapy. This treatment can increase oxygen and blood flow to the scalp, strengthening hair follicles and stimulating hair growth. 

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. A professional injects the patient's platelet-rich plasma into his scalp to improve scalp health and promote hair growth.

  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. This treatment increases oxygen and blood flow to the scalp to strengthen hair follicles and improve scalp health to increase hair growth. The therapy uses electromagnetic fields.

  • HairMax Laser Comb. This treatment uses a low-level laser light (a handheld device) to increase oxygen and blood flow to the scalp. It works to enhance scalp health and stimulate hair growth. 

A medical professional will determine the type of laser therapy you need depending on the severity of your scalp problem. 

Hair Transplant for Hair Loss

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that transfers hair follicles from one part of your scalp to another, usually from the sides or back of the scalp to the bald areas. 

A hair transplant comes with several benefits: 

  • Natural-Looking.  A hair transplant looks natural because the transplanted hair comes from the scalp of the patient. Therefore, the transplanted hair blends naturally with the existing hair. It can be challenging to distinguish between a patient’s natural and transplanted hair. 

  • Permanent Result. Hair transplants are permanent because the transplanted hair is unaffected by the hormone (Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that causes hair loss.  After your hair transplant, you can have a full head for the rest of your life. 

  • Low Maintenance. You can cut, wash, and style transplanted hair like your natural hair. 

  • Cost-Effective. A hair transplant is a one-time thing. It may have a high upfront cost, but your full head of hair will become permanent. 

  • Safe and Effective. A hair transplant procedure comes with minimal complications when performed by a qualified professional. 

There are two types of hair transplant procedures available in Singapore: 

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This procedure involves the harvesting of many hair follicles from your scalp (typically the back of your head) and transplanting them into the bald area using a fine needle. The procedure can leave a linear scar on the back of your head. This hair transplant procedure is a more efficient way of harvesting hair follicles.

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): This procedure entails removing individual hair follicles from your scalp with a specialized punch tool. This procedure aims to transplant hair follicles into the bald area. This procedure is minimally invasive and can leave minimal scarring.

A hair transplant procedure can take several hours, depending on the size of the treatment area. It is crucial to choose a qualified professional to perform the hair transplant. You must also  follow post-procedure instructions to ensure the best results. 

Choosing the Right Scalp Treatment

Consider these factors before choosing the best scalp treatment in Singapore. Choosing the best option should not be a daunting task as long as you are aware of what you are dealing with: 

  • Scalp Condition. There is a specific scalp treatment for every scalp problem (dandruff, oily scalp, dry scalp, hair loss). Choose a scalp treatment that can best target your specific scalp problem.

  • Hair Type. Different types of hair, such as straight, curly, wavy, or kinky may respond differently to specific treatments. A scalp treatment that may work for oily straight hair may not be viable for dry curly hair. 

  • Treatment Type. Scalp treatment comes in various forms. Each treatment has its pros and cons. The best scalp treatment will depend on your needs and preferences. Sometimes, on your budget, too. 

  • Ingredients. It is best to choose treatments that use products with natural or herbal ingredients rather than those containing harsh synthetic ingredients.


  • Cost. Some scalp treatments in Singapore are relatively affordable and others may be quite expensive. While cost is an essential factor to consider, it is wiser to consider the value for money of the scalp treatment in Singapore. 

Now that you know what to look for in scalp treatments, it is time to consider your choices. Here are some tips for finding the right scalp treatment for your scalp problems. 

  • Consult a Professional. Consult a hair care specialist to seek recommendations on the best scalp treatment based on your specific scalp problem.

  • Consult a Professional. Consult a hair care specialist to seek recommendations on the best scalp treatment based on your specific scalp problem. 

  • Research Ingredients. The best scalp treatments contain ingredients for your hair type and specific scalp problem.

  • Read Reviews. Read reviews from people with the same hair types and scalp problems as yours. Their experience with a specific treatment can give you valuable insights into the more effective treatments. 

  • Consider Natural Products. A scalp treatment containing natural or herbal rather than synthetic ingredients is gentle on the scalp. It also does not contain synthetic and harsh chemicals. 

When using any scalp treatment in Singapore, follow the directions on the product label. Use the treatment as directed because over-treating your scalp can lead to irritation. 

Lastly, some scalp treatments in Singapore show immediate results, and some take time to work. Be patient and continue treatment for several weeks before shifting to another treatment.

Maintaining a Healthy Scalp

You take so much care of your skin, but do you do the same for your scalp? Scalp care is as crucial as skincare. 

Your scalp skin is more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body. It has more sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles but has a lower skin barrier function. It is, therefore, crucial that you maintain a healthy scalp in the same manner as you take good care of the skin on your face. 

  • Wash your hair regularly. Regularly washing your hair removes oil, dirt, and product buildup. This buildup clogs your hair follicles and leads to scalp problems. 

  • Use a gentle shampoo. Choose a mild shampoo that does not contain harsh or synthetic ingredients. These ingredients can deplete the natural oils in your scalp and cause irritation and dryness. 


The Herbal Therapy Scalp Care Shampoo cleanses and rejuvenates your scalp. It contains Vitamins B and E to strengthen your hair follicles while producing enough sebum to ensure healthier hair. 

It has a floral peppermint scent that keeps your scalp fresh and clean. It can relieve stress and elevate your mood, too. It contains no harsh ingredients and is free of parabens and silicones.

  • Massage your scalp. Massage your scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes while washing your hair. A good scalp massage increases blood flow and promotes healthy hair growth. 

  • Use a scalp treatment. An effective scalp treatment in Singapore can help nourish and strengthen your hair follicles to promote healthy hair growth. Look for treatments with natural or herbal ingredients. 

Herbal Therapy Scalp Tonic Set

The Herbal Therapy Scalp Tonic contains Traditional Chinese Herbs and, thus, does not contain preservatives and harmful chemicals that can damage hair. It removes excess sebum on your scalp and reduces sebum buildup in hair follicles to strengthen hair strands. It also leaves your scalp with a cooling sensation. 

  • Protect your scalp from the sun. Too much sun exposure can damage your scalp, causing dryness and irritation. It is wise to use a scalp sunscreen or a hat to protect your scalp from the sun. 

  • Avoid too much use of styling tools. Too much heat from styling tools can damage your scalp and hair. Always use a heat-protectant product if you have to use styling tools.

Managing your stress levels and eating a healthy diet are also essential to your overall well-being, including your scalp and hair health.. 


Scalp problems are common in Singapore. However, people tend to neglect scalp care until the appearance of such symptoms as itching, irritation, and flaking gets annoying and embarrassing.

There are various ways to address scalp problems such as getting a scalp massage and treatment, and if you are up to it, a laser therapy for the scalp. Hair transplant is also a viable option for those experiencing hair loss due to scalp problems. 

Maintaining a healthy scalp by having a good hair care routine and using the right scalp treatment in Singapore products is the best way to avoid or deal with scalp problems. 

Transform Your Hair Naturally with Natural Herbal Hair Care.Try the Herbal Therapy Care Shampoo and the Herbal Therapy Scalp Tonics today and say goodbye to hair and scalp issues!

Posted by DMA
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